Yesterday I lost my voice. I've had a little cold all week, but I guess it all caught up with me yesterday with my last two classes of the day. In an hour and a half, my voice went from a little wraspy to sounding like Tom Waits. By the time I went to bed, I could only whisper. So today, I called in sick, but still went in during the morning to get things ready for a sub. I really wanted to be there today to see the kids off to the holiday break, but a voiceless teacher is not my style.
So besides not feeling that bad, except for not being able to talk, the weather was amazing. A springlike 68 F!! I was sitting out on my porch enjoying the warm sun, when it started to rain. I just love it when it rains when the sun is out, and today was no exception. The rain produced the most amazing rainbow. I took a little walk out to the street corner where I could see the entire, colorful arch.
Here's some pictures: